Tag Archives: sad



Confined within the realms of this benumbing sarcophagus,

this impalement ;

Shards of sweet desolation tearing my vitality apart,

I stand where the bolt and the waves sublime

in embodiment ;

And try to soothe my blazing psyche

with a silhouette of you

when you’re nowhere there to come through



You gleamed through a deluge on an autumn evening,in the pulsations of the waning moon

Saying silent words which

echoed to the skies and souls

And flickered in the earthy aroma of amber candles left ablaze through a placid afternoon

Healing my being,the essence of me

Humming in deserted orchids zephyrs of spree



You’re the reason i have come to this end,

this torment is mine

But i wish not this to end

I welcome no blossoms divine

Drawing and trailing a broken curve,I want this to remain as it is

Unwritten words on the azure streams,where a touch of yours hovered

Let me never be complete again,let me be yours,shattered.